I’m sleeping through the night!

“Chronic lower back pains, restless legs, not sleeping throughout the night, and menstrual (adenomyosis) issues. All which affected my work and personal life. I work very long hours and never really stopped long enough to realize how bad I really felt.

Dr. Shivali was recommended to me, so I thought I would give acupuncture a chance. I had no idea when I started, what I was about to discover about myself. Dr. Shivali has taught me to be more aware of how I feel. Also, has guided me how to get balanced and stay that way.

Dr. Shivali is so warm, compassionate, and understanding. You feel comfortable saying anything. She explains what’s going on in your body so clearly anyone can understand. She truly cares and gives you her all. I am amazed at her knowledge of so many things. She connects the dots and is so reassuring. I can honestly say, I don’t know what my family or I would do without her.

Dr. Gruer and Dr. Shivali’s office is so clean and thoughtful. You can tell a lot of love and consideration was put into everything.

Thank you Dr. Shivali for all you do for my family and I. We are truly blessed to have you part of our lives.”



I need help! Addiction & Anxiety


I feel like myself again.