Diabetes & Slow Digestion

“I can’t believe the change I already feel and I’m so grateful for meeting you! I was so upset when my doctors told me that there was nothing they could do, but you really showed me that my body can get better even with a permanent condition. I’m going to the bathroom every day and my anxiety about my health has really gone down. Thank you Dr. Gruer for helping me get my life back.”

- L. C.

Case Summary:

A 25 year old female patient with type 1 diabetes complained of severe numbness and pain of her digestive tract, making it very difficult to have bowel movements without taking laxatives. This syndrome, called gastroparesis, is a common symptom of type 1 diabetics. She had been suffering for over two years and her doctors told her that there was nothing they could do. The patient was put on a six-week treatment plan of two acupuncture treatments per week, BioLight Therapy and a prescription of custom herbal medicine.

By the end of her initial treatment plan, the patient indicated that her stomach pain had decreased, she felt more sensation in her tract and was able to eliminate almost every day without the use of laxatives.


Easier & regular periods.


I can walk again without pain!